[ Click on the image to view the full content of each Covid Special Issue ]
Executives have the responsibility to lead and manage teams effectively through crisis, which is characterized by both complexity and change. They find creative ways to respond to the immediate needs by making quick decisions and allocating resources, which can take a toll on employees who shoulder the responsibility of execution. How the teams respond to and adapt to this change will determine the future of the organization. Hence, it is of utmost importance that leaders support the staff through these tumultuous times and encourage them to build a positive work environment while embracing change. In this special issue of Influencer, we bring to you strategies that leaders can adapt, to understand their employees’ needs better and strengthen teams, so that they can collectively get through crisis situations and come out resilient.
Each person has their own definition of loss and pain, and each person undergoes this journey in their own unique way. For some, loss and the sense of loss can feel like overarching and permanent, while for some it can come and go in fleeting moments. Covid-19 has taken away different things from different people, whether it is time, celebrations, childhood, togetherness, livelihood, stability, predictability or even life itself. Through these motions of coping with loss and making meaning of life, each one has lived a thousand lives and tried their best to grapple with the realities that have been thrown at them. In this special issue of Influencer, we acknowledge the gravity of loss that has affected our readers and express solidarity through this journey. We attempt to bring out how we can personally make meaning of loss and how to support one another while grieving.
Wellbeing is growing to becoming a necessity, a priority that one can no longer defer in the current times of ongoing uncertainty. People are at greater risk for burnout – both from a professional as well as personal standpoint due to the continuing impact of the Covid crisis. People have been pressing along for over a year in trying their best to be resilient, optimistic, and hopeful through this crisis and some may be finding it difficult to keep going – both for oneself and for others. The present issue helps steer discussion on this silent aspect of emotional fatigue and aims to re-energize the readers in taking another step forward to boost the wellbeing of themselves and of those under their care.
Paradigm shifts have been rapidly put into motion with respect to business strategy, client needs, achieving customer loyalty and leadership practices and staff engagement. While things have changed so fast and people have been on an overdrive mode, to survive and thrive in the midst of change, there is also a growing need for individuals to anchor themselves with self-compassion and self-care. Leaders are evolving to bring in greater authenticity, organizations are prioritizing purposed work culture and staff are looking at work that can nourish them during this pandemic. Slow living, conscious decision making, sustainable business models and mindful practices are gaining fresh momentum. The special issue addresses some of these points and how you can weave them into your leadership style and work culture.
The lockdowns were initiated across the globe as temporary stop gaps to build the public health systems, health care systems and protect the people from a widespread infection of the COVID-19. As weeks turned to months, work from home is growing to become more permanent than temporary. While it is defined and interpreted differently in different industries and countries, we can safely say that work-from-home for many has now become a new normal and homes are gradually being converted into home offices. While this has necessitated an adoption of healthy work-home boundaries at an individual level along with picking up necessary skills of virtual working, it has also brought up new issues which go beyond virtual practice. The present issue will address some of these, for which there is no existing blueprint, and often no existing policy to go back to as well. Let us read some of these emerging concerns and collaborate to find solutions.
The present crisis has necessitated that organizations craft business continuity plans and change management plans. One of the cornerstones of a successful plan is the craft of communication. It can impact not just how the message is received or accepted but also how the people decide to come together and believe in it or not. Successful communication is what sets a leader up for excellence, people up for purpose and business up for success. In the present issue, we will discuss some crucial conversations that leaders need to have amidst crisis and how to effectively steer change by focusing on effective communication.
We are coming to terms with the challenges thrown open by the pandemic and assimilating the lessons learnt towards bettering our tomorrow. Business demands and people management needs are pushing organizations to make leaders pass their toughest leadership test. What will ensure that businesses succeed is how we continue to take care of our people and integrate their realities with the business goals. The special issue of Influencer discusses some strategies for leaders to apply while re-opening their business and for people to consider while upgrading themselves to thrive in the post-Covid era.
Since the news of the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that was first reported from Wuhan, China, people from different parts of the world are coming together to support the scientific community to restrict its spread. While there have been health & travel advisories issued, little is being said about how businesses need to prepare themselves in the wake of this crisis. People are being locked down in their homes, travelers quarantined and there is an air of anxiety amongst the workforces. It is easy to resort to an SOP when crisis attacks and to resort to previous experience to stay successful. However, in this case, we have neither. Just as readiness is the key to detect, combat spread of the new coronavirus, preparedness and swift action is the key to support your people and business. This special issue of Influencer brings to your strategies that will help you steer the same and address some urgent business concerns you may have.
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