First-time middle managers deal with stress and anxiety that often push them to quit. High expectations from the top management, ...
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Have you ever experienced resistance from your staff during the roll-out of a new policy? How about leading a difficult ...
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Is your leadership practice exclusive to the top-level management? Is your star employee, who can outperform everyone, your exemplified leadership? ...
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Why do most companies fail during organizational change? Dr. Eric Kung, the founder, chairman, and principal consultant of Human Dynamic, ...
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Is leadership a trait? Is it about personality? Is the “Big Man Theory” about leadership still relevant today? Dr. Eric ...
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Management guru Peter Drucker said that “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. This implies that your corporate culture is a critical ...
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The pandemic and Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements have transformed the business landscape and placed challenges on all organizations. Staying ahead ...
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Dealing with a toxic workplace is a business reality — and if you are not careful, your team might fall ...
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The Parkinson’s Law mentions that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. In other words, the Parkinson’s ...
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In 2022, Microsoft published a workplace survey that indicated 87% of workers reported being productive in hybrid-work setups, while only ...
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