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香港九龙尖沙咀诺士佛台十号10 B–D
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天力的专业团队由人力资源管理顾问、人力资源专家、心理学家、咨询师、律师、会计师、工作生活教练和健康顾问组成。我们在香港、韩国、中国大陆、台湾、菲律宾、越南、泰国、马来西亚、新加坡和印度设有 12 个直属办事处,由熟悉当地文化需求并对全球工作环境保持敏感的当地人负责管理。我们在澳大利亚、中东、非洲、欧洲、北美和拉丁美洲的 30 多个国家建立了广泛的专业联盟网络,与我们密切合作,以满足各地独特的当地社区和不同的个人需求。目前,天力已覆盖全球至少 50 万人的生活。
Eric Kung 龚炳然
PHD, M.A., M.DIV., M.S.W., B.COMM.
龚炳然先生是天力亚太的创始人,董事长兼首席顾问。 他已在人员管理咨询培训和发展、及高管教练领域,从事28年以上。于1993年在香港创立了天力亚太。从那以后,他带领公司成长为亚太地区领先的整合型领导力与变革(Leadership & Change)供应商,在亚太地区设有16个直属办公室,为超过全球超过100家公司提供整合型人事管理解决方案,专注于人事管理咨询、变革管理、学习和发展、企业领导力训练、就业咨询服务,工作生活教练和健康咨询服务。
龚炳然先生在公司咨询方面有丰富的实践经验,可以领导公司变革,处理变革和危机管理中的员工沟通问题,以及对中高层管理人员进行领导力培训。他合作过的客户包括:惠普,汇丰银行,宏利,信诺,宝洁,耐克,通用电气,陶氏化学,政府部门,以及许多其他跨国公司。 他在大中华地区、新加坡、马来西亚,越南、印度、中东和欧洲作为会议和研讨会的顾问和演讲者。
在创立天力亚太之前,他曾在Price Waterhouse Associates(HK)担任计算机程序员。 他曾是一所专业学院的讲师,讲授商业计算、市场营销和社会伦理的课程。 他曾在香港社会服务机构工作,为不同的客户提供咨询,小组工作和社区服务。
龚炳然先生在1982年毕业于加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University),获得商科学士学位。1985年,他考取香港大学获得社会工作硕士学位。1999年,他从香港浸信会神学院获得了道学硕士神学学位。2017年,龚炳然在美国俄亥俄州安提阿克大学(Antioch University)开始了领导力和变革博士学位课程, 致力研究中层管理人员变革领导力。
Lina Lam
CEO & Principal Consultant, Human Dynamic
B.S.W(荣誉)M. Counselor Education
在咨询和辅导方面,Lina侧重于关注对个人韧性发展、变革和过渡管理、多样性和包容性、行为风险和健康。 Lina掌握中英韩三种语言。 她有资格进行领导潜能评估(CeveySystems)和Facet5人格评估。
Shing Mu Yau
Vice Chairman & Principal Consultant, Human Dynamic
Registered Arts Therapist (AThR), MExpArtsTh, BLaw, BScBChe
Yau Shing Mu has joined the company since October 2018. Before that, he served in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government as Under Secretary for Transport and Housing between August 2008 and June 2017. The Bureau of Transport and Housing is one of the largest bureaux in the HKSAR Government.
Other than as public administrator and political appointee, Yau was in the field of journalism for 25 years. After having served Radio Television Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Standard, he joined the Hong Kong Economic Times in 1992 and held the post of Executive Chief Editor between 2000 and 2008. He had also served on the Executive Committee of both the Hong Kong Journalists Association and the Hong Kong Press Council.
in 2017, Yau received the Silver Bauhinia Star in recognition of his outstanding service to the Hong Kong community and contribution in journalism; and has been granted Justice of Peace for life since 2012. Other journalistic prizes that he received include Best Hong Kong Newspaper Reporter (General News) awarded by the Hong Kong Newspapers Society in 1986.
Yau has profound knowledge and experiences in both communication, government and public administration. He has edited and published books on various social issues such as youth problems and Hong Kong’s economic prospects.
Yau holds a Master Degree of Expressive Arts Therapy from the University of Hong Kong, a Bachelor of Science Degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences.
Roger Ng
Financial Advisor, Human Dynamic
Roger Ng is the Director, Financial Advisor, ex-CFO of Human Dynamic. He has been in the field of accounting and treasury management, with private and public companies for over 30 years. Roger has obtained his Master’s degree in Corporate Finance from The Hong Kong Polytechnics University. Besides, he also obtained a certification course for Master Coach jointed conducted by Open University of Malaysia / International Coach Federation.
Roger has vast hands-on experience in providing financial and accounting training in the Vocational Training Council, Open Learning Institute, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Hong Kong Productivity Council. He has conducted training in people communication skills, assertiveness training, Managing Gen-Y, project management, retirement planning for companies such as Hong Kong Telecom, Citibank N.A. L’Oreal, IBM and The Hong Kong Productivity Council, Roger will also support BLC (Business Leadership Coaching) for middle-level executives in leading organizational change.
Cathy Wei
Principal Consultant, Human Dynamic
Certified Business Leadership Coach
M.A., B. LAW., Counseling Psychologist (諮心字第000409號)
Cathy在1998年加入天力亚太,拥有25年以上的工作经验。 负责协助天力的健康SBU部门,该部门负责为全球客户提供“整合型领导力和变革”服务。她拥有多项技能专长,当中包括帮助企业危机管理,领导力教练以建立抵御力,变化时期的职业发展,情绪健康和高管健康教练等。 Cathy也是注册健康教练和执行教练员。 除了担任该职位外,她还是天力的首席顾问,直接与客户合作,提供咨询、建议、辅导、服务监督和提供培训计划。
Cathy对于组织变革时期的领导力、向外转职服务、危机管理/咨询、危机关怀、过渡期管理教练、情绪复原力、健康与工作生活相关的咨询和辅导等方面有着丰富经验。 在加入天力之前,她曾担任不同大学的讲师与顾问,她也在国立台湾大学女性与性别研究资源中心担任过助理研究员一职。 她合作过的客户有:艾尔建(Allergan),空气产品公司,安吉斯媒体,AstraZenica,友达,BMS,康宁,杜邦,陶氏化学,道康宁,伊顿,EPSON,通用电气,RideFox,谷歌,惠普,汇丰银行,华为,英特尔,JP 摩根,微软,摩托罗拉,Moxa,诺基亚,诺华,宝洁,读者文摘,SCB,Segreen,西门子,迅达,凯旋,瑞银,联合利华,雅虎,Zebra等。
Eric Kung 龚炳然
PHD, M.A., M.DIV., M.S.W., B.COMM.
龚炳然先生是天力亚太的创始人,董事长兼首席顾问。 他已在人员管理咨询培训和发展、及高管教练领域,从事28年以上。于1993年在香港创立了天力亚太。从那以后,他带领公司成长为亚太地区领先的整合型领导力与变革(Leadership & Change)供应商,在亚太地区设有16个直属办公室,为超过全球超过100家公司提供整合型人事管理解决方案,专注于人事管理咨询、变革管理、学习和发展、企业领导力训练、就业咨询服务,工作生活教练和健康咨询服务。
龚炳然先生在公司咨询方面有丰富的实践经验,可以领导公司变革,处理变革和危机管理中的员工沟通问题,以及对中高层管理人员进行领导力培训。他合作过的客户包括:惠普,汇丰银行,宏利,信诺,宝洁,耐克,通用电气,陶氏化学,政府部门,以及许多其他跨国公司。 他在大中华地区、新加坡、马来西亚,越南、印度、中东和欧洲作为会议和研讨会的顾问和演讲者。
在创立天力亚太之前,他曾在Price Waterhouse Associates(HK)担任计算机程序员。 他曾是一所专业学院的讲师,讲授商业计算、市场营销和社会伦理的课程。 他曾在香港社会服务机构工作,为不同的客户提供咨询,小组工作和社区服务。
龚炳然先生在1982年毕业于加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University),获得商科学士学位。1985年,他考取香港大学获得社会工作硕士学位。1999年,他从香港浸信会神学院获得了道学硕士神学学位。2017年,龚炳然在美国俄亥俄州安提阿克大学(Antioch University)开始了领导力和变革博士学位课程, 致力研究中层管理人员变革领导力。
Lina Lam
CEO & Principal Consultant, Human Dynamic
B.S.W(荣誉)M. Counselor Education
在咨询和辅导方面,Lina侧重于关注对个人韧性发展、变革和过渡管理、多样性和包容性、行为风险和健康。 Lina掌握中英韩三种语言。 她有资格进行领导潜能评估(CeveySystems)和Facet5人格评估。
Cathy Wei
Principal Consultant, Human Dynamic
Certified Business Leadership Coach
M.A., B. LAW., Counseling Psychologist (諮心字第000409號)
Cathy在1998年加入天力亚太,拥有25年以上的工作经验。 负责协助天力的健康SBU部门,该部门负责为全球客户提供“整合型领导力和变革”服务。她拥有多项技能专长,当中包括帮助企业危机管理,领导力教练以建立抵御力,变化时期的职业发展,情绪健康和高管健康教练等。 Cathy也是注册健康教练和执行教练员。 除了担任该职位外,她还是天力的首席顾问,直接与客户合作,提供咨询、建议、辅导、服务监督和提供培训计划。
Cathy对于组织变革时期的领导力、向外转职服务、危机管理/咨询、危机关怀、过渡期管理教练、情绪复原力、健康与工作生活相关的咨询和辅导等方面有着丰富经验。 在加入天力之前,她曾担任不同大学的讲师与顾问,她也在国立台湾大学女性与性别研究资源中心担任过助理研究员一职。 她合作过的客户有:艾尔建(Allergan),空气产品公司,安吉斯媒体,AstraZenica,友达,BMS,康宁,杜邦,陶氏化学,道康宁,伊顿,EPSON,通用电气,RideFox,谷歌,惠普,汇丰银行,华为,英特尔,JP 摩根,微软,摩托罗拉,Moxa,诺基亚,诺华,宝洁,读者文摘,SCB,Segreen,西门子,迅达,凯旋,瑞银,联合利华,雅虎,Zebra等。
Aveline Teh
过去几年在医药行业的工作,给了她许多启发,她认为自己可以成为教练行业的一员,去接触医药行业以外的生活。完成硕士课程后,Aveline作为顾问加入了天力。 Aveline过去一直参与公司和个人绩效的管理、职业发展,领导组织变革、处理变革中的员工沟通、危机管理、领导力培训等咨询活动。她还为众多公司客户进行演讲和培训,主题主要涉及组织变革、打造高管风范、职业发展和员工坚韧性。
Cevey Systems认证的企业领导力教练(德国)
Charlene Ann L. Dio
Managing Director & Consultant, Human Dynamic
M.A. Counselling Psychology
Leeann is a Leadership and Change solutions partner committed to developing leaders and transforming organizations. She comes with a rich history in corporate learning and development, consulting psychology, and psychotherapy. She delights in collaborating with clients deal with their most complex challenges, from organizational change to psychological safety, to work-life integration.
She currently is the Managing Director of the Philippines regional office. Leeann holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Ateneo De Manila University. She is both a licensed Nurse and a licensed Psychologist. Her educational background in the medical field and professional training in Counseling Psychology have oriented her towards a holistic approach in career and in life.
When not at work, you may find Leeann by the beach or at home reading. She is happiest in her pursuit of lifelong, life-wide, and life-deep learning.
Sunny Zhang
Managing Director & Consultant, Human Dynamic
M. Clinical Psychology
National Psychological Counsellor Grade 2, China
Sunny is the Managing Director of Human Dynamic China. She graduated from Peking University with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and obtained a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Peking University. She has received systematic training and provided consulting services to clients. She has worked in consulting firms for more than 10 years and has served all kinds of industries. She is familiar with the difficulties encountered by managers in the development of Fortune 500 companies, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, and designs targeted solutions to meet the needs of clients.
She specializes in helping clients to sort through their emotions and find solutions to their problems with a short-range focus, believing that everyone has the power to pursue self-growth and development.
Eunice Chin
Managing Director & Consultant, Human Dynamic
PhD. in I/O Psychology
B. in LAW
Counseling Psychologist, Taiwan
National Psychological Counsellor Grade 2, China
Eunice is the Managing Director of Human Dynamic Taiwan. She graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University with a Bachelor’s degree in Law and has over 20 years of experience in the legal and banking industries. Afterward, she returned to school to study Industrial/Organizational Psychology and Counseling, obtaining a PhD. In I/O Psychology and certification as a Counseling Psychologist. She has extensive experience in management roles and diverse functions, along with nearly 10 years of counseling experience. Her dissertation focused on “Development and Job Crafting during Young Adult Career Establishment: Empirical Research, Action Research, and Consulting Case Study.”
Expertise: Law, career development, talent development, leadership and management, organizational culture and development, work motivation, talent assessment, selection, training, individual and group counseling, marriage and family therapy.
Xin Yuan Low
Director of PPSQ (Process, Product/Solution & Quality) & Senior Consultant, Human Dynamic
Registered & Licensed Counsellor
MSc. Community Counseling
Xin Yuan is the Director of Process, Product/Solutions & Quality (PPSQ) Development Team and a Senior Consultant of Human Dynamic Group. She supports the regional teams in delivering high quality, efficient, customer-centric and innovative integrated solutions through clear process and guidelines. She has been actively involved in the work on leadership development, change management, people management, resilience building and crisis management for leaders and organizations.
Xin Yuan has coached, trained, given talks, and provided consultations to clients and companies from numerous sectors such as IT, pharmaceutical, banking, oil & gas, education, consumer products & services etc. She uses an eclectic approach in her training, coaching and consultation.
She is committed to help individuals, leaders and organizations to discover and maximize their true potentials, embrace work-life integration, and utilize their inner strengths and resources to cope with adversities in life.
Expertise: Resilience Building, People Management, Employee Wellness, Criss Management, Career Coaching, Change Management, Leadership Development, Employee Engagement
Divya Khanna
Director of Client Relationship Management & Senior Consultant, Human Dynamic
Certified Busienss Leadership Coach
MSc. Psychological Counselling
A resilient, compassionate and strategic professional with a strong management consulting and leadership focus in the leadership development, change management, wellbeing, learning and coaching industry. Divya focuses on helping organizations in-turn their leaders, hi-potentials and teams challenge and support their future growth opportunities. Having pursued her education in Psychology, Divya has keen interest in enhancing organizational and employee resilience and holistic wellbeing. She enjoys client interactions and enhancing brand awareness and driving new business at Human Dynamic. She has been in the field of mental health, people management consulting, training & development and coaching for over 14 years. She is based out of Bangalore, India. Divya is a certified Business Leadership Coach by Cevey Systems, Germany.
Expertise: Coaching & Consulting in organizational change, resilience, wellbeing, employee engagement. Business Growth & Leading Operations
Ines Wong
Development Manager of PPSQ (Process, Product/Solution & Quality) & Senior Consultant, Human Dynamic
Certified Business Leadership Coach
M. Counseling, PgDipPsych, BAPsych, Certified MBTI Adminstrator, NGH Certified Hypnotherapist
Ines is the PPSQ Development Manager for wellness and crisis solution, and a senior consultant at Human Dynamic. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Counseling, Ines has a strong educational foundation in the field. Additionally, she is a registered counselor with extensive experience in the field of psychology and counseling, bringing valuable insights from her managerial positions. With a proven track record in leading teams and providing effective people management solutions, Ines brings valuable expertise to her role.
Ines specializes in tailored consultations for diverse populations, empowering individuals, and organizations to achieve optimal well-being. Ines shares insights on mindfulness, positive psychology, emotional control, and stress management. Leveraging her knowledge of holistic well-being, Ines applies her expertise in psychology and counseling to positively transform individuals and organizations.
Sharmini Abd Karim
Development Manager of PPSQ (Process, Product/Solution & Quality) & Senior Consultant, Human Dynamic
MHSc. Psychology, BSc. Human Development
Change Management Portfolio Certification
Sharmini Abd Karim is the PPSQ Development Manager for Organizational Development, Change Management and Outplacement. She holds a MHSc in Psychology from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and a Bachelor Degree in Human Development specializing in Child and Family Psychology. Sharmini is certified in Change Management Portfolio.
She works on varying issues from mental health, personal development, career development, performance management, change management at the organizational and individual level, parenting issues to stress management. Sharmini has a strong interest on areas related to change management, anxiety, resiliency, empathic leadership and coaching for personal development.
Expertise: Change Management, Developing Resilience, Career Transition, Mental Health, Personal Development, , Performance Management, Child and Family Psychology.
Shalini Gunarajan
Senior Consultant, Human Dynamic
CDMP, MScClinPsy, MHuServ Rehabilitation Counselling, BSc Psychology
Shalini holds a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology and Mental Health from the University of Sussex, UK, a Master of Human Services (majoring in Rehabilitation Counselling) from Griffith University, Australia and Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia.
Aside from her clinical work, Shalini is also trained in wellness coaching. She works with corporate clients to help them achieve their wellness goals. Such is done by adopting some changes to their lifestyle, behaviour and mind set towards wellness. Her coaching sessions are generally conducted as one to one or group sessions with topics related to Towards a Fitter You, Mindfulness and Towards a Better Sleep.
Expertise: Behavioral modifications, Mental Health, Positive Thinking, Resilience, Self-Management, Motivation and Wellness Coaching
Grace Cho
Senior Consultant, Human Dynamic
MA Counseling
Grace Cho currently serves Senior Consultant at Human Dynamic to support Managing Director in business development and consultation service management in Korea and Japan. Since 2004, Grace has met with executives and employees from various companies through psychological counseling, coaching, education, HR consulting, and WLC (EAP) project management. Based on past experience, she is currently working as a corporate counselor and consultant to help employees find the best solution for their work and lives with an integrated approach to their organization and individuals. In particular, she contributes to corporate culture development & employee engagement by providing HR & leaders coaching and consulting on organizational changes, people management issues, and leadership in a crisis based on psychological counseling.
Consulting on people management, crisis management, corporate culture development, and conducting corporate trainings to leaders & employees on interpersonal relationship & communication, stress management, women leadership, leader’s blind spot, unconscious bias & respect, team building.
Catherine Yuen
Regional Manager & Consultant, Human Dynamic
MScWOrgPsych, MHRM&IR, BSSc(Hons)Psych
Catherine obtained a Master’s Degree of Science in Work and Organizational Psychology from the Lingnan University, and a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations from University of Sydney, and a Bachelor Degree of Social Science majoring in Psychology from Hong Kong Baptist University.
With training and practice in Psychology, she is specialized in organizational psychology; and has well knowledge in managing and developing people in the continuously changing work environment. With a professional training in human resources management as well, she is well trained to implement human resource strategies to support the development of quality of work life and occupational well-being of employees. She has received training in counseling and coaching, with practical experience in providing emotional support to clients with mental illness.
Catherine has practical experience in human resource management and worked in multicultural environment with expatriates from different countries. She is skillful in understanding the differences between oneself and people from other countries or backgrounds, especially differences in behavior and values. She is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Catherine is specialized in various topics such as diversity & inclusion, positive psychology, interpersonal communication skills, coaching and personal development.
Ying Yin Lee
Consultant, Human Dynamic
M.Ed., B.Psy.
Ying Yin is a consultant under the Process, Product/Solution and Quality (PPSQ) team, who works not only on attending to clients with mental health or work life concerns, but also supporting HD regional teams in delivering solution and product with quality to the customers.
She holds a Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) and a Bachelor of Psychology in Industrial and Organisational Psychology from University of Technology Malaysia (UTM). She furthers her career by joining additional training in a variety of areas, including Family Therapy, Art Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Trauma-Focused Therapy, and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). She completed certification course in counselling using Satir Growth Model.
She has been working with people from different backgrounds, who shared the similar goals to overcome their life struggle as well as to live a fulfilling life. She believes that change is possible so as she focuses on creating possibilities in every individual, team and organization. Her areas of interest include mindfulness, nonviolence communication, resilience and adaptability, emotional agility, and trauma healing.
Ho Sheau Huey
Consultant, Human Dynamic
Registered & Licensed Counsellor
MSSc Counselling Psychology
Sheau Huey is a Client Relationship Manager & Consultant at Human Dynamic. She holds a Master of Social Science in Counselling Psychology from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She is also a Licensed and Registered Counsellor with over 12 years of experience in counselling and workshop facilitation.
At Human Dynamic, her work involves liaising with corporate clients to develop and implement tailored wellness solutions that meet their specific needs. She also provides individual and group coaching, deliver talks and workshops on personal growth, and support leadership and change solutions.
Sheau Huey believes in the potential for growth within every individual and is dedicated to helping others on their journey of personal development and self-discovery.
Expertise: Resilience building, personal growth, grief and loss, crisis management, interpersonal relationship, mindfulness-based strategies
Munira Abdul Jalil
Client Relationship Manager & Consultant, Human Dynamic
M. Human Sciences (Psychology)
Started her career as an Associate Consultant at Human Dynamic in 2017, Munira is a dedicated professional with a robust academic background and extensive working experience in Psychology and Human Resources. Along the way, she developed a new interest in business development and assumed a new role as a Client Relationship Manager, where she spends most of the time with corporate clients; supporting them to resolve challenges and achieve their goals.
Munira possesses a versatile skill set and is adept at engaging with clients from various backgrounds, including children, teenagers, parents, and working adults. Her extensive experience as a facilitator, volunteer, leader, program manager, and organizer at numerous training programs in her previous roles underscores her commitment to personal and professional development.
With expertise spanning corporate wellness, resilience at work, employee engagement, interpersonal communication, personal effectiveness, and change management, Munira excels in guiding individuals and teams toward achieving their goals and maximizing their potential. Her passion for empowering others and driving positive change makes her an invaluable asset to any organization or project she undertakes.
Clarisse Valenzuela
Consultant, Human Dynamic
MSc. Clinical Psychology (ongoing), BSc. Psychology
Ms. Clarisse Valenzuela is a professional with a background in assessment and counseling psychology. She is a registered Psychometrician and is currently finishing her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Her research is focused on exploring the experiences of content moderators and creating a training program to enhance their well-being and facilitate seamless work integration. Additionally, she actively participates as a member of the Psychological Association of the Philippines.
With four years of experience working with individuals facing mental health challenges, Ms. Valenzuela has conducted clinical assessments and facilitated both individual and group sessions under the supervision of a Psychologist. Her approach revolves around educating individuals about their mental health, imparting effective management strategies, and assisting them in unlocking their potential, which includes developing various educational and vocational skills. Furthermore, she serves as a part-time educator for college students, teaching psychology-related subjects and demonstrating practical applications in their courses.
During her one-year role as a resiliency coach, she specialized in providing support to content moderators from a specific BPO company. Her responsibilities included conducting individual and group sessions, with a focus on work-life integration, wellness management, fostering positive workplace relationships, and guiding individuals in realizing their career aspirations.
In her current position as the in-house consultant at Human Dynamic, Ms. Valenzuela plays a vital role in offering consultations and support to clients, ensuring their needs are effectively met. Her diverse background underscores her dedication to assisting individuals through counseling, training, and establishing meaningful connections in her professional role as a consultant.
Sonia Hillary
Consultant, Human Dynamic
M. Sc. Psychological Counselling, ICA (Indian Counseling Association) Registered Member, BPS (British Psychological Society) Member
Sonia has a Master’s degree in Psychological Counselling and has been working with Human Dynamic, India for over six years.
She believes that every individual has the ability, resources & strength to solve problems & reach their potential with a little guidance and non-judgmental listening.
With over 7 years of experience in the field of psychological counselling she has coached adolescents & employees for concerns related to job stress, communication, wellness, career guidance, managing emotions, interpersonal issues, couples, pre-marital and marital counselling, stress and anxiety management, depression, mindfulness, DEIB, and mental health.
Matthew Lei
Associate Consultant, Human Dynamic
MSc Occupational Psy, BSc (Hons) Psychology, CESGA, Foundation CIPD
Graduated with a solid psychology background, Matthew is passionate towards the people elements that can help individuals and organisations thrive to their full potential. He is an avid learner constantly seeking out novel knowledge and exposure to enrich his technical skills and widen his understanding towards the current industry trends and outlook.
Matthew’s exposure at various industry has equipped him with well-rounded knowledge and skills to excel as a consultant at Human Dynamic.
Chad Huang
Associate Consultant, Human Dynamic
BSc. Psychology, MSc. Counseling
Chad possesses practical experience in the field of mental health counseling, having founded and operated a counseling center, providing individual and group counseling services to adolescents and adults. With expertise in both business operations and management, he actively engages in research and learning in the counseling and business domains. Chad is dedicated to assisting corporate employees in navigating the challenges of work and life. He provides precise and tailored support to address employees’ concerns, empowering them to successfully adapt mentally and physically, and ultimately, perform at their best.
Experience: MurMurland Counseling Center: Interior Design and Executive Director, Full-time Counseling Psychologist. Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management: Full-Time Counseling Psychology Intern.
Expertise: Stress Management and Coping, Emotional Regulation, Personal Growth, Intimate and Family relationships.
Client Relationship Manager [Taiwan]
Job Responsibilities:
- Drive sales revenue, develop new business and engage local and regional customers;
- Develop and execute strategic business plan to maximize business development opportunities, increase market share and create value-added solutions & services for clients;
- Establish and maintain strong professional relationship with clients through proactive communication and timely respond to needs;
- Work cross functionally within the company to communicate with all stakeholders to ensure the service quality, and to maximize customer’s satisfaction;
- Make visits to our clients to identify and expand opportunities with key existing regional accounts in Taiwan and other regions for cross-selling and up-selling;
- Coordinate training programs, marketing activities and any emergency service requests;
- Prepare service proposals, statistical reports, and training evaluation to corporate clients;
- Collect market information and reflect client feedback to support the company’s business planning activity;
- Achieve maximum client satisfaction with effective customer engagement and customer relationship management together with the regional teams;
- Oversees payment/billing matters and related issue for customers;
- Support marketing and sales activities to proactively identify and develop prospective corporate clients and target segments to achieve business targets; and
- Perform ad-hoc duties as assigned by the Regional Manager or Managing Director
Job Requirements
- Bachelor’s degree or above in Business Management, Human Resources Management, I/O Psychology or other related fields;
- 3–5 years of CRM experience in a corporate environment
- Possess strong business acumen, with the ability to think strategically, and with strong sense of business ethics;
- Strong analytical, quick problem solving and consultative selling skills;
- Excellent organization, interpersonal and communication skills;
- Detail-minded and able to work across a diverse array of internal teams;
- Good command in spoken and written Chinese and English;
- Knowledge in Learning & Coaching / Employee Benefits will be an advantage.
Website: www.humandynamic.com
We offer 5-day work a week, medical and competitive salary package commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Interested candidate, please send full resume with current & expected salary and the date of availability to hr@humandynamic.com
(Candidate not invited for interview within 6 weeks may consider their application filed for future reference. Personal data collected will be kept and handled confidentially by authorized personnel for recruitment purpose only. It might also be disclosed to our subsidiaries, associates and agencies authorized to process the information for appointment. The Company will retain the application for up to 6 months after the selection process is finalized.)
Consultant [Singapore]
Job Responsibilities:
- Plan, deliver and lead projects on integrated solutions for Leadership & Change, and other related services as provided by the Company to corporate clients;
- Provide individual or group sessions on coaching, counseling, or consultation services to Company’s corporate Work Life Coaching clients in accordance to applicable professional code(s) internationally;
- Prepare proposals, training materials, conduct training sessions and support e-learning for Company in a professional manner;
- As a Consultant, promote and provide trainings, people management consultation, coaching, and consulting services;
- Act as a Relationship Manager, take care of the customer accounts assigned and co-ordinate with different offices to achieve maximum customer satisfaction;
- Collect market information and reflect customer feedback to support Company’s business planning activity;
- Prepare regular reports such as service activities report and customer evaluation and statistical reports;
- Assist in marketing, development of affiliate network, or administrative duties;
- Perform other reasonable duties as assigned by the Regional Manager/Managing Director.
- Degree holder in Human Resources Management, Business Management, Business Administration, Psychology or related fields;
- With at least 5-year working experience related to training and business coaching;
- Strong analytical and quick problem-solving skills;
- Excellent organization, interpersonal and communication skills;
- Detail-minded and able to work across a diverse array of internal teams;
- Good command in spoken and written English
We offer 5-day work a week, medical and competitive salary package commensurate with experience and qualifications. Interested candidate, please send full resume with current & expected salary and the date of availability to hr@humandynamic.com.
(Candidate not invited for interview within 6 weeks may consider their application filed for future reference. Personal data collected will be kept and handled confidentially by authorized personnel for recruitment purpose only. It might also be disclosed to our subsidiaries, associates and agencies authorized to process the information for appointment. The Company will retain the application for up to 6 months after the selection process is finalized.)
Consultant [Vietnam]
Job Title: Consultant
Reporting to: Regional Manager – Vietnam
Working location: Ho Chi Minh City
Candidates must be Vietnamese or able to speak Vietnamese fluently as a native speaker.
Job Responsibilities:
As a HD Consultant, you will be responsible for the delivery of training, coaching and consulting service to Human Dynamic’s customers across Vietnam. You will also coordinate and oversee the delivery of the Learning & Development programs and ensure the service quality meets Human Dynamic’s standards.
Your tasks include but not limited to:
- Plan, deliver and lead projects on integrated solutions for Leadership & Change, and other related services as provided by the Company to corporate clients;
- Provide individual or group sessions on coaching, counseling, or consultation services to Company’s corporate Work Life Coaching clients in accordance to applicable professional code(s) internationally;
- Prepare proposals, training materials, conduct training sessions and support e-learning for Company in a professional manner;
- As a Consultant, promote and provide trainings, people management consultation, coaching, and consulting services;
- Act as a Relationship Manager, take care of the customer accounts assigned and co-ordinate with different offices to achieve maximum customer satisfaction;
- Collect market information and reflect customer feedback to support Company’s business planning activity;
- Prepare regular reports such as service activities report and customer evaluation and statistical reports;
- Assist in marketing, development of affiliate network, or administrative duties;
- Perform other reasonable duties as assigned by the Regional Manager/Managing Director.
- Degree holder in Human Resources Management, Business Management, Business Administration or Industrial and Organizational Psychology;
- With at least 5-year working experience related to training and business coaching;
- Strong analytical and quick problem-solving skills;
- Excellent organization, interpersonal and communication skills;
- Detail-minded and able to work across a diverse array of internal teams;
- Fluency in English and Vietnamese is a must;
- Ability to influence and build strong client relationships.
Interested candidates please submit CV with photo and cover letter in English to my.nguyen@humandynamic.com.
(Candidate not invited for interview within 6 weeks may consider their application filed for future reference. Personal data collected will be kept and handled confidentially by authorized personnel for recruitment purpose only. It might also be disclosed to our subsidiaries, associates and agencies authorized to process the information for appointment. The Company will retain the application for up to 6 months after the selection process is finalized.)
• 勤奋、正直、责任心强;
• 5年以上成功的销售经验,其中有培训、咨询行业或专业服务行业销售经验的优先;
• 对发展咨询/培训行业的兴趣浓厚;
• 拥有良好的演讲,人际关系和电话沟通技巧;
• 能够接触及与企业客户建立良好关系;
• 富于工作激情和热情,有较强的独立思考、独立工作的能力,能承担销售工作压力,并积极的寻找解决办法;
• 学习及探索能力强,可迅速适应全新的行业领域及业务模式,善于捕捉潜在的市场机会;
• 普通话流利,说话有亲和力,有较强的沟通能力;
• 良好的英文读写能力;
• 有良好的团队合作精神,沟通,组织和时间管理技能;
• 熟练运用OFFICE办公软件,可制定或撰写合作方案者优先考虑;
• 本科以上学历,有人员管理背景及客户资源者优先考虑;
• 有组建销售团队及带领团队完成公司销售任务者优先考虑
岗位职责 :
• 制定增长战略和计划
• 通过不同的商业活动提高公司的知名度
• 完成公司下达的季度、年度的销售指标,以支持业务增长;
• 不断开发新的客户资源,识别并寻找潜在客户和商机,分析客户需求,根据客户需求为其提供合适的行销方案,并成功销售培训解决方案和产品,协助我们的业务增长;
• 负责公司客户维护,与客户保持日常沟通,挖掘客户需求,开拓新的业务机会,并准备培训及相关合作方案;
• 与内部和外部各方协调,确保完成营销项目;
• 确保所有项目都以优异的质量完成并满足预设的项目时间表;
• 配合完成公司举办的市场推广活动;
• 保持良好的售前及售后文件记录,以方便跟进;
• 管理客户体验,包括培训前准备,物流安排,付款和培训后审核;
• 能够处理或参与临时由领导交办的其他合理合法任务或各种项目