Change, though inevitable, seems much more challenging in the 21st century. The 4th Industrial Revolution brings with it technological changes and makes the customers the drivers of supply.
In such an environment, the business models will have to develop to become agile to accommodate an attitude of continuous unlearning and relearning and be ready to deal with disruption.
This change will have myriad implications, some being:
As technology advances, many jobs will be replaced & revamped to optimize the man-machine
As more and more businesses are digitizing processes, including aspects like learning, the style of conducting business will progressively become more virtual. Individuals will be responsible for managing their own work space, working time and productivity.
As there will be change in the way we work, where we work and who our customers would be, there will be an evolution in the construction of business models as well.
Adapting to these changes at a fast pace would be possible when we adopt a diversified thought process and disrupt methods of doing business as we know today. An important question then is, “How do we as individuals and employees of an organization, who are a part of a system, empower ourselves to manage our wellbeing and thrive at the work place?
Agility in our approach to change and change management is the answer. Being agile means to work
with speed, work smarter not harder and generate more value through lesser labor, being flexible, collaborative, and resilient and being a continuous learner.
Employees who adapt quickly to job, social situations, are those who will be able to lead themselves. The business
world requires employees to be ready for a mental shift to accept adaptability and speed.
Below strategies are some stepping stones to adopt an agile mindset:
In all these efforts to sail through and to survive change, an agile mindset will be your strongest asset.
Amidst the continuous growth, self-care should never be compromised as mental and physical health form the foundation of growth.
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