The Helplessness of Virtual Leadership

The Helplessness of Virtual Leadership

Do the following seem familiar? Left the team a message on a group but no one responded? Asked for a submission by a deadline but you didn’t get acknowledgment from the late submitters? Impromptu leave taking as FYIs instead of applications? Feeling tempted to micromanage to continue the tradition of presenteeism in the team Poor […]

Top 8 Reasons that Cause a Leader to Fail

There is a lot of discourse around what ensures success in leadership, however, much needs to be said about what leads to failure in leadership. This listicle will aim to cover some key reasons of leadership failure: A leader is made by their people- Relationships are key: A leader is someone who directs people. A […]

B- The Champion of an Organization

Who are the ‘B’ players? What is their role? How can organisations engage them better? Over the few years we have increasingly become focused on our ‘A’ performers. In fact, when you search material on ‘B’ players you are bound to stumble upon articles that’ll give you tips to convert your ‘B’ players to ‘A’ […]

Leadership 101

Leaders who are in transition, like newly promoted middle managers, benefit working with a professional coach in building coping strategies to excel at their new roles. We have put together a story of one such manager who was promoted earlier than his team mates and struggled in adjusting with the change. He started to notice […]

What’s the best style: Rule based performance or Unleashing Creativity?

“I wish you would let us do this; it makes so much sense!” “This is such a textbook way of doing this, can’t we explore something else?” “Do I really have to sign off this way?” “Is there always one way of doing things?” “Is the previous way of working, the best way to work?” […]