끊임없는 변화: 일터의 본질

끊임없는 변화: 일터의 본질

워크라이프 코치에게(사례) : 기업 컨설팅 사례 : 리더십 교육의 미래

심리적 편향 극복을 통한 의사결정 개선

Conquering Change by Adopting an Agile Mindset

Change, though inevitable, seems much more challenging in the 21st century. The 4th Industrial Revolution brings with it technological changes and makes the customers the drivers of supply. In such an environment, the business models will have to develop to become agile to accommodate an attitude of continuous unlearning and relearning and be ready to […]

Cultivating Millennials as Leaders

Millennials make up the largest workforce in 2020 and create the next generation of leaders. Though, millennials aspire to be leaders, research indicates that more than 50% of millennials feel that they lack leadership skills. As present day leaders, you can make that difference by creating a learning culture for the millennials around you. Nurture […]

LAP SERIES 3: The Collective, Phenomenal & Plural Leadership

Is your leadership practice exclusive to the top-level management? Is your star employee, who can outperform everyone, your exemplified leadership? Is it important to teach leadership skills to the general staff? Dr. Eric Kung, the founder, chairman, and principal consultant of Human Dynamic, gives clear and practical answers to these leadership issues in this Leadership-as-Practice (LAP) Podcast Series.