Starting Anew


Starting Anew

Many of us would have done things for the first time in the last couple of months. It could be picking up a home chore or doing work differently. It could be being a more hands on parent or being more dependent on relationships than before. It could be understanding what kind of friend one […]

Return to work post maternity

Amidst myriads of transitions through different life cycles that women face, maternity is one transition that where most of the tried and tested coping styles don’t seem to work. If you are a mother returning to work or a manager learning the ropes of reintegrating returning mothers to the workplace, the chances are that you […]

The real struggle of transition

Transition could have different meanings for different people and also different meanings for the same person at different stages of their life. In our adult working life, there are some transitions which are expected like changing the place of work, change in the manager that we report to or the team that we belong in. […]